Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Camp Bentzon is the best P.O

Camp is way better than school
At camp skit night was the best
Miss Lowans was pulling off a few great moves
Pipers were caught when fishing

Bivouac making lots of hard work
Even sailing, kayaking and raft makinrg
Nature walks to vivein bay
Teachersand parents all around
Zigzaging in sail boats
Orienteering I was feeling like a spy
New Zealand is the best place to be

I feel sorry for the kids at school
Swish went the waves next to the ferry

The ferry got us there in time
Hope your not missing mum and dad
Erin and Peter doing their job right

Botany downs had so much fun
Eating way to many buns (40)
Stingrays floating by the warf
Teachers scaring us at night

Camp Bentzon is the best!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...